Odoo Finance Apps
Stop recoding transactions manually
Use business intelligence cubes to report finances in all dimensions
Get paid faster
Beautiful accounting software
Do more, in less time
Create and send professional invoices and receive payments online
Send reminders to your debtors in just a few clicks
Automatically create invoices from sales orders, delivery orders or base them on time and material
Popular features that will change your life
All the time-saving tools you need to grow your business; Bank Synchronization, Invoicing, Manage Bills & Expenses, Easy Reconciliation.
Real-time overview
Easily create your earnings report, balance sheet or cash flow statements.
Manage contracts, create recurring invoices, bill timesheets, get paid faster.
Simplify your accounting
Use the status overview to help keep track of drafts, paid and unpaid invoices. Automatically record all transactions from your bank accounts by importing and reconciling your bank statements.
Analyze your sales
Get direct access to key information with dynamic and customizable dashboards. Make your own definition and analyze your invoicing by product, customer, salesperson, etc.
Easily manage employee expenses
Save time on expense reports
Managing your employees’ daily expenses has never been easier. Whether it’s travel expenses, office supplies, or any other employee expenditure, access all receipts and expense submissions from your Expenses dashboard and create, validate, or refuse them in just a click. No need to download a specialized software to maintain expense records – everything can be done directly through the app!
Order & contract sorting
As a manager, easily follow expense records across the entire team to keep an eye on costs and ensure they keep on target and within budget.
Stop losing receipts. Upload all receipts directly into the expense record.
Focus on selling
great services
Save time on routine tasks and focus on growing revenue